Shop and Joust on National Boxing Day | Mearth Electric Scooter

Shop and Joust on National Boxing Day

Shop and Joust on National Boxing Day

This 21st century Boxing Day is assuredly one super-exciting public holiday Aussies like to celebrate with zest and enthusiasm, and have a really swell and happy time. Boxing Day is going to be wonderfully vibrant and filled with lively activities like shopping till you happily drop, join sporting events and partake delish barbeque grilling. To ring in the new year, Boxing Day is going to be where there’s bigtime celebration, jolly party-party and then of course, a merry gathering of close ‘uns all over Australia! 

Great sale, great discounts on MEARTH’s premium, top-performing electric scooters are overflowing! 

📌 Get $100. off on Mearth S entry level e-scooter

     RRP $699. 
     Special price: $599. only

📌 Get $100 off! on Mearth S Pro commuter e-scooter

     RRP $899.
     Special price: $799. Only, with freebies

📌 Get $200 off! on Mearth RS Long-Range e-scooter

     RRP $1299.
     Special price: $1099. Only, with freebies

📌Get $200 off! on Mearth GTS MAX Evo on-and-off-road,

     heavy duty e-scooter

     RRP $2799.
     Special price: $2599. Only, with freebies


Mark the date! It’s ka-pow! MEARTH’S exclusive BOXING DAY event that's happening this December on the 24th, 2022 up to January 2, 2023. For more details, visit