Electric scooter law in ACT legalises e-scooters in public paths as long as the e-scooters meet certain requirements. A personal mobility device (PMD), which includes e-scooters, must be:
As most commercial electric scooters meet these requirements, riders in the ACT will have no problem using their e-scooter in public. However, riders must remember to follow electric scooter rules while riding in public for their safety. Riders who do not comply will be fined.
Based on the rules posted by the ACT Police, riders must comply with the following electric scooter regulations:
To learn more about the electric scooter laws in ACT, please check the Transport Canberra e-scooter page or read the full legislation at Section 244D to 244J in ACT Road Transport (Road Rules) Regulation 2017.
Aside from private electric scooters, ACT has also allowed approved shared electric scooter operators in some parts of the state. In particular, Beam Mobility and Neuron Mobility operate in Canberra as part of the city’s e-scooter trial. Riders can find devices in central Canberra and the Belconnen Tower Centre. Riders may also check the operator’s app to see which areas allow e-scooters.
Shared e-scooter riders are also advised to park used e-scooters well. Here are some reminders:
Shared and private electric scooter riders are asked to comply with these rules for their safety and others.
To keep you safe and help you enjoy your trips, riders are also encouraged to follow these electric scooter road rules.
Electric scooter law in the ACT requires riders to wear approved helmets for their safety. Aside from this, riders may add extra protection by wearing elbow and knee pads, gloves, and eye protection. When riding at night, riders are required to also wear a reflective vest or have lights fitted on the e-scooter as per law.
Most people try not to go over the speed limit, but the best way to avoid exceeding the limit is to not go near the speed limit. If the speed limit is 15 km/h then only go up to 12 km/h. Try not to go around 13-15 km/h, as it’s easy to reach 15 km/h and go over it. Since most electric scooters have a maximum speed of 25 km/h as per law, you don’t have to worry about going over 25 km/h. However, try not to ride at high speeds for your safety.
E-scooter law in the ACT prohibits riders from having a passenger. This means two people cannot ride a single electric scooter for safety purposes. Electric scooters are designed for only one passenger so overloading the e-scooter will make the e-scooter ineffective and can cause risks and dangers to the passengers. Riders caught with a passenger will be fined.
Don’t ride an electric scooter when it’s raining or snowing. Paths can be slippery and visibility is low which can cause accidents. If you must go outside, ride another mode of transportation instead such as a car or public transportation.
Since e-scooters are slim, light, and compact, commuters can ride them on narrow paths, and bring them on public transportation. As a result, electric scooters can help you bypass traffic and arrive at your destination faster.
Electric scooters remove fuel costs and have little to no maintenance costs. They are also cheaper than owning and driving a car. Meanwhile, shared e-scooters are sometimes more affordable than public transportation.
A Lime survey in Washington, DC found that 44% of riders use e-scooters to access job opportunities, while 57% use shared e-scooters for work or school. Thanks to its convenience, you can have easy access anywhere in the city.
Each state and territory in Australia has a different set of rules and regulations pertaining to the usage of e-scooters(including where e-scooters can legally be used and whether these products need to be registered with the relevant road traffic authority). Any user of this product must ensure that that they check and abide by their local by-laws and use responsibly. Ride with caution and always wear a helmet and protective gear when riding your Mearth e-scooter. Click here to learn more about E-scooter regulations in your state.
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